birth doula
I deeply respect this natural physiological event as a life altering moment and I will treat the birthing woman with the sincere respect they, and all birthing women deserve. As a doula, I am a birth ambassador.
you are powerful
My commitment as a doula is to support you, the birthing woman and your partner through your transition in pregnancy, birth and into parenthood. I am committed in helping you and your partner make informed decisions, without making the decisions for you. I am here to provide information and education on all that involves perinatal and guide you holistically and emotionally through this process. I am here to support your decision, this is your body, and it is your choice.
The birth of your baby is an honourable event. My wish as your doula is for this experience to be gratifying and valid for you.
services provided
Initial consultation
3 prenatal home visits
Continuous support during labour and birth
1 postpartum home visits
Unlimited support via email, phone or text
I will be on call 24/7 for you within the three-week period of your due date (37th week gestation).
the birth
I will be present at your birth as soon as you are in active labour and you have informed me about it. During the latent stage of birth, communication by phone is best. I will be meeting you at your home or at the hospital or birthing centre, as desired by you.
I will be at your birth until your first breastfeed or 2 hours after the birth.
empower yourself
more confidence knowing you have the support system during pregnancy and in birth.
What you’ll get
Three 120-minute, 1-on-1 sessions
Comprehensive prenatal classes
Personalized knowledge and mindfulness for your pregnancy
Unlimited guidance and support via email
Helpful tools, tips, and tricks for navigating your pregnancy and birth
Breastfeeding guidance and support
One 120-minute post-partum visit
Please contact me for pricing
*Singular prenatal classes, doula advice or prenatal yoga classes available in person or on zoom.
“Je crois que pour donner la vie, il faut se sentir dans sa puissance et soutenue à la fois. Ce passage vers la maternité demande que l’on se surpasse. Que c’est bon d’avoir quelqu’un qui nous donne le courage de continuer lorsque l’on croit avoir atteint notre limite. Celia m’a accompagnée dans mon accouchement physiologique. Elle a su être un phare dans ce moment exceptionnel. Elle a tenu l’espace de façon à créer une ambiance propice à la naissance. Je peux dire avec certitude qu’elle a contribué grandement à ce que ce soit la plus belle expérience de ma vie.”
prenatal yoga
My goal is to serve future mothers and their babies. Yoga does not facilitate childbirth, but it facilitates pregnancy and allows the pregnant woman to relax and cultivate the strength that resides within her. It is both mothers and babies who benefit from the teachings I offer. The Prenatal Sattva class is dedicated to the pregnant woman. There is space for her to feel good. She doesn't need to subconsciously or consciously compare herself to non-pregnant women in a regular yoga class and will be able to respect her own boundaries. I offer a holistic approach to yoga, which includes asanas, pranayamas, kriyas, meditation and freedom movements incorporating guidance and connection with the unborn child. All of these techniques cultivate a calm mind to deal with tension, pain, anxiety, or any other feeling that arises during pregnancy. The guidance and wisdom that is generated in the class helps the woman cultivate the physical and mental strength needed during pregnancy and childbirth.